Arts+ Scholars Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization comprised of committed arts education specialists and interested professionals who advocate for and support comprehensive, world-class arts education for the SMCSD so that all District students are prepared to participate in the arts beyond middle school.

Arts+ Scholars directly supports the restoration, implementation, and expansion of comprehensive arts programs for the District students by providing: after-school and other extra-curricular arts programs; professional learning opportunities in arts education; discipline-specific liaisons, such as for Art and Music; and work in collaboration with the District to create and implement an Arts Education Improvement Plan (California Arts Education Framework, 2020).

Arts+ Scholars is an experienced partner and advisor to the District in the development of long-term arts education plans—as in the SMCSD Strategic Arts Education Plan 2018-2023, the creation of which was facilitated by The California Arts Project (TCAP) and adopted by the SMCSD Board of Trustees in 2018.

Arts+ Scholars is an ally to groups affiliated with the District in arts education.

Arts+ Scholars Foundation supports art and music extra curricular activities at  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Academy, a public school in Marin City and Sausalito, California.